Blizzard of '06

How good was this? An entire of winter not feeling like winter and then 2 feet of snow in mid-February. It was only in the 50s last week.
So I go outside in the mid-afternoon to play. The snow is tapering off and I figure it's a good time to clean off the car in process so the snow doesn't freeze to it tomorrow morning.
When I open the back door to grab the scrapper and out of the corner of my eye, I see a little hole in the corner of the windshield. I'm a little bit in shock. I had to brush off a bit of snow off the side to even open the door and it was light as air. It must have been the temperature... I had visions of little punks breaking windows too but the snow on top of my car is uniform and piled a foot high.
I softly scraped the snow off, thinking that it could only get worse if this pile of snow freezes and gets heavier. The collapsing snow snaps me out of thought and I stare dumbly at the snow on top of the rear speakers. Look ma, I can see right through to the front of the car.
Stupid storm broke my back window. I had to spend my time covering up the hole with garbage bags and cardboard with the help of my mom and sister instead of playing in the snow. No, the snow played me instead.
Now I've got to get it fixed. Damn waste of time and money. Confucius says, "Sey cheen gong".


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