Nothing ever makes me happy

I have received the phone call today that I've been waiting for for a month.
I got the job I was really gunning for. It sounds like an interesting gig. I'm not really that sure what it'll be all about but I think it can lead to other interesting positions as well.
Now the only question is how to quit a job that I've held for about 7 days gracefully. I'm working for the middle office guys that I've worked with when I was upstairs and I like them. I told them that I wanted the web job when I was dangling a few weeks ago. If only the new place went through its process faster. Then I wouldn't have to burn this bridge to get to the other side, that other place with many more bridges. It's a shame because I do like the guys here.
It's amazingly how fast I went from stressed at work to relieved back to stressed again.
This is my plight It's funny, I still have that innate desire to please everyone. I want to finish a DB project for them before I leave. Sort of as a good-bye present. I think I am wrong in the head somewhere. Too much empathy. I think that is bad for my health.
I don't relish the thought of going in tomorrow to explain what happened in the span of 7 days but it must be done.


Anonymous said…
Maybe happiness requires a bit of mental trickery. Be happy with what you've gotten, and happier still you didn't get what you could've gotten from that chick at the gas station hitchhiking off the 95N.

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